Septentrio brings OSNMA anti-spoofing security to market! Why secure GPS receivers are crucial for GNSS/INS systems?
OSNMA: the latest in GNSS anti-spoofing security
With the growth of automation and robotization in many industries, from agriculture and delivery drones to self-driving cars, the demand for accurate and affordable navigation is on the rise.
Spoofing is a real threat to GNSS-based INS systems, which is mitigated most effectively by incorporating security mechanisms into all system sub-components. However, since spoofing takes place on the level of the GNSS signal, a number of sophisticated methods can be employed within the receiver to detect and mitigate spoofing.
Spoofing is an intelligent form of interference which makes the receiver believe it is at a false location. Spoofing has appeared in the news in a spectacular experiment where a Tesla car was “misled” to take an exit from a highway rather than following the highway as it was supposed to. Consequently, both jamming and spoofing can have an adverse effect on INS systems, which make use of GNSS positioning. For more information on spoofing see OSNMA: the latest in GNSS anti-spoofing security.
Jamming is a kind of radio interference, which overpowers weak GNSS signals, causing accuracy degradation and possibly even loss of positioning. Unintentional jamming sources include radio amateurs, maritime and aeronautical radiolocation systems as well as electronic devices located close to the GNSS receiver. There are also intentional jamming devices called “jammers”, which are sometimes found on board of vehicles trying to avoid road tolling.